
| 巩诗22


Today, after dinner, I decided to let my mother rest, I came to wash the dishes. I thought to myself, "how can I wash the dishes when I only know how to serve them? " I thought, "if I can't do the dishes well, mom will be very angry. " Dad saw my sad face and said to me, "it's okay. " Here, let me show you. I mustered my courage and thought, ok! I'll make sure the dishes are clean. So I fetched a basin of Water and put the bowl in to wash. Who knows washed three times, but how also wash not clean, touch always sticky. Father touched the touch, said: "Do not waste energy, cold water is unable to wash off the grease, have to use hot water. " I looked at the basin, embarrassed smile. After that, I had to exchange a basin of hot water for the bowl. Put the chopsticks in hot water for a while. After the static bubble, first I just use the dishcloth in the bowl to turn two times, then pour in the dishwashing detergent, hard in the bowl to wipe, but my father said to me: "This is not the right way, " should be placed on the edge of the bowl, along the edge of the wipe back and forth, then my father also started hands, show me once, I followed my father like to do, really quickly will be a bowl washed, I showed my father, my father said to me: "Wash well, continue to wash. " Then the second. The third one... has been washed. The faster I washed, the happier I felt that I could finally help my family. Finally, Dad said: "quick, wipe the table clean. " I picked up a rag on the table at random, how also wipe clean. Dad said: "Can not wipe like this, should be methodically bit by bit wipe, so that can be clean. " I did according to Dad's practice. I did not expect that a small dishwashing and wiping table has so much knowledge.


You listen, the students are very happy, you guess, why the students are so happy? It turned out to be the annual summer vacation quietly arrived, we have to enter the holiday. Today, I got up early, after getting up, I found that my mother was about to wash clothes, I think: The teacher said that the holidays should help mom and dad do housework. Think of here, my runway mother in front of said: "Mom, I will help you wash clothes! " MOM smiled and said: "Just I want to go out, then you help me wash it! ". I listened, and happily agreed. I'll get started on the prep. First I brought a basin, then some washing powder, and then I took the laundry. I took a piece of my clothes began to wash, I put the clothes in the basin filled with water, and then put in some washing powder, I thought: This must not be enough washing powder, or rub while putting on the washing powder. So, I side Rub while washing clothes, basin filled with foam, as if children are blowing bubbles. I absentmindedly left to see right to see, after a while, I see put a lot, how to do? I had to quickly wring out the clothes, with water rinse many times, finally clear water. I'm just GONNA put my shirt on. When I was making clothes, I found that there is an oil spot on the clothes, I think: should wash or should not wash, at this time my mind appeared two small people, one said to wash, one said not to wash. I looked at the clothes, the clothes seem to say: "You did not wash me clean, you are really a little careless. " After my mind struggle, I patiently wash the clothes again. I was very proud to see the beautiful clothes I had washed. Through this thing, I learned that no matter what you do, you should do it seriously and carefully.


I remember third grade, it was summer. I plan to help my mother do housework, one can accumulate life experience, two can reduce the burden on my mother. Let's do it. I'll start sweeping. My mother told me, "sweep the floor first in a cleaner place, then in a dusty, dirtier place. " I swept the bedroom first, mother to tell me: "The most easy to miss sweep the corner of the house, behind the door, cabinets and bed seam, not leak. " At first I was not convinced, not a floor, what to sweep. But did not expect, so little floor, actually swept me all over the sweat. I began to beat a retreat, I sit on the SOFA, wipe the sweat on the head, flat breathing, my head there are two small people in a quarrel. The little man in White said: "What to do in the end, the teacher is not to insist on it? "? Mother also often said that we can't give up halfway, we should finish sweeping. " The little man in black said, "so what, rest is better than work. " The more the two little men quarreled, the more they became inseparable, my head's all messed up. At this time I suddenly remember, halfway is a waste of effort, I can not give up his previous efforts and efforts. Thinking of this, I no longer hesitate to pick up the broom. When the floor was finally swept, my mother went to check it out and saw that I was doing a good job, not a bit of rubbish, so she cheerfully told me to do the next job -- a desk. I took a big spoonful of water and poured it into the pool. Then I picked up a cloth and put it on the table, wrung out the water, and wiped the heat off the bedroom in the same order as I swept the floor. I gently moved everyone's things away, and then gently moved them back again, make sure you wipe down every nook and cranny. Here, I did a stupid thing. I saw that there was a layer of dust on my mother's cell phone, so I picked up a cloth and began to wipe the cell phone. I filled the cell phone with water. I also showed it to my mother in a self-righteous way. My mother had a big fright and quickly wiped the cell phone dry with a piece of absorbent paper, and told me: "The mobile phone will be broken at the sight of water. " I just suddenly realized. The floor was swept, the table was wiped, and the floor was mopped. I swabbed the mop and began to mop the floor thoroughly, even as the chair moved under the table. Finally, I finished mopping the floor. I mean, I'm sweaty, but I feel like I've accomplished something. That life practice, let me feel the parents are not easy, I should do something to reduce the burden for them


Today, I went to grandma's house to play. Upon entering the House, I saw grandma taking care of her brother while cleaning the house. The younger brother is very mischievous, the meemaw side looks at him, also side busily. Grandma was so busy that I suddenly noticed her white hair seemed to be growing again. Grandma used to be very fat. Ever since she had a little brother, grandma has lost a lot of weight. It hurts me to see it. I was determined to do something for grandma to make it easier for her. I picked two of my best jobs to do. One is sweeping, the other is mopping. I gave the two bedrooms a good sweep with a broom. Next, I'll sweep the bright living room. At this time, I do not sweep the speed so fast, and also have no patience. Just when I didn't want to work anymore, I thought of my grandmother working hard every day. I picked up the broom and began to sweep the floor. I think, just sweep the floor so tired, grandma every day to do so much housework, how tired she ah! Thinking of this, I hurried to do a second job to mop the floor. I rinsed the mop in a bucket, rinsed it out, and squeezed out the water. I was ready. I mopped the floor of the two bedrooms in no time. Finally, I dragged it to the living room, where I swabbed the mop. The living room was huge, and the balcony was even bigger. At this time, I was very tired, but I think, I can not bow in the face of difficulties, so much harder to work. I hunched over, dragging my hands back and forth, beads of sweat rolling down my head. At this time, my little brother is still behind me and keep making trouble, want me to play with him. Looking at him charmingly naive appearance, lets me not be angry. My grandmother wiped the sweat off my face and kept saying, "I'm Bebé. I'm old enough to work for her now. " Hearing this, I enjoyed my work even more. After a while, I mopped up the living room. Having done all this, I was too tired to get up on the SOFA. I have done so little work, already tired like this, grandma day after day to do more work than this, not too tired, grandma must have how hard Ah! Now I have grown up, every time I go to grandma's house, I have to help grandma do something to help grandma, so that grandma rest.


I am a very fastidious person, sees the present situation to pick and choose, the old request others to do perfectly. For the hygiene of the home, I always have the most opinions, a see dirty things, want grandma to clean up, but grandma that body bones, can not do too much housework. My mother came over and looked at me with a smile and said, "Labor is not easy. Instead of finding fault with others all day long, you should have a personal experience. Only after you have experienced it, do you know how to cherish the fruits of others' Labor! " The floor and their own rooms as a "dry zone. ". Because I did not usually do housework, so the first time to do housework action is unfamiliar. I cleaned the room first, but the floor was impossible to clean, and the hair was sticky; the dirt was stuck to the carpet, and little bits of paper were picked out by hand and put into the dustbin. So, not long after, my back is sore, back pain, but the work is only one-third finished. My mother looked at me with confidence: "I knew you can not, now you know do housework hard, can not do do it, do not brave. " I do not want to admit defeat, ignore my mother, continue to do my thing. It was time to clean the stairs, but this presented me with a problem: there weren't many stairs and they were easy to clean, but the roof was too high for me to dust, or for anyone else to reach. I have to temporarily do not consider it, first wipe the floor and Balustrade, there are a lot of sanitary dead angle, both hard to wipe, and trouble. It took me a long time to finish the job. I was exhausted and sore. Since then, I no longer feel dissatisfied with those things, because I understand the hard work. The most beautiful things in our world are created by Labor, by the intelligent hand of man. If you do not understand the hard work of the parents, then please do a housework, I believe that the taste will make you understand the parents.